

你准备好了吗?? 采取下一步行动,今天免费申请威尼斯人网上娱乐.

Since we review each application for admission individually, 没有单一的, 一套不灵活的标准——比如GPA, 测试成绩, 或者几年的课程. The information below outlines what you will need to put together your transfer application to Drake. We're here to help; contact your admission counselor if you have any questions.

想知道财政援助? 使用 净价计算器 to help you estimate your actual cost to attend 威尼斯人网上娱乐.



在你申请威尼斯人网上娱乐的时候, be sure to keep track of due dates to ensure all required documents are sent by the appropriate deadlines.


优先申请入学截止日期, 奖学金, 经济援助的考虑因素如下. 在优先日期之后接受申请. 一旦收到所需的所有文件, complete applications are reviewed and admission notification is made on a rolling basis. 寻求帮助, students are encouraged to contact the 招生办公室 to speak with a transfer admission counselor.

  • 秋季学期:7月1日优先审查 for all complete applications; after July 1, application review continues on an individual and rolling basis.
  • 春季学期:12月1日优先审查 for all complete applications; after Dec. 1, applications considered on a case by case basis until the start of classes.
  • 夏季学期:4月15日优先审查 for all complete applications; after April 15, applications considered on a case by case basis until the start of classes.


There is no application deadline for admission to the PharmD program. 申请必须通过 药学学院申请服务.

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (Only Available for Summer Semester)

There is no application deadline for admission to the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) program. 申请必须通过 OTCAS.



Transfer applicants for all undergraduate programs (except PharmD*, 职业治疗博士**, and Master of Athletic Training***) must complete one of the following:

这两种选择在录取时都会得到同等的考虑. 网上申请不收取申请费.


*PharmD申请者 for the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program are accepted for fall semester only. Transfer students should submit an application through the 药学学院申请服务.For a complete list of PharmD admission requirements, please visit our 药学博士入学页面.

**职业治疗博士申请者 for the Occupational Therapy Program (OTD) program are accepted fall semester only. Transfer students should submit an application through the Occupational Therapist Centralized Application Service (OTCAS). For a complete list of OTD admission requirements, please visit our OTD准入页.

***运动训练硕士(MAT) 只在秋季学期提供吗. 学生应使用 Athletic Training Centralized Application Service (ATCAS) application. 有关MAT要求的完整列表,请访问我们的 MAT入学页面.


所有转学申请者 must provide an official transcript from any and all colleges attended for all terms, 包括暑期.

For students who have earned fewer than 24 semester hours of college credit at the point of application we will also require a copy of your official final high school transcript or a high school equivalency certificate.

All transcripts must bear the official seal and signature of the official in charge or records and be sent directly to the 威尼斯人网上娱乐 招生办公室 by each institution. 传真的成绩单, 扫描, 影印, 缺少原始印章, or are in the student’s possession are not considered official documents. 如果你使用的是通用申请, Drake will accept transcripts sent through the 常见的应用澳门威尼斯人网站 process.



If your school can provide an official electronic transcript, it should be submitted to admission@wanbaogong.com

If your school prefers to mail your transcript, please send to:

得梅因,IA 50311-4505




为了被音乐系录取, and to be considered for scholarship awards as a 音乐 major, 音乐小, 或者是非主要参与者, prospective students are required to audition with Drake 音乐 faculty. To learn more about upcoming Department of 音乐 audition dates and audition requirements, 参观音乐系 听觉信息 页面.


要想被任何一所学校录取.F.A. 戏剧艺术学位课程或辅修音乐剧, and to be considered for a Departmental Fine Arts scholarship award, prospective students are required to audition/present their portfolio either on campus at the Drake 剧院 Audition Day or the National Unified 剧院 Auditions. To learn more about upcoming 剧院 audition dates and audition requirements, visit the 剧院 Arts Off Campus and On Campus Auditions 页面.


Please use the accordion below for specific details on supplemental admission documents.


威尼斯人网上娱乐 does not require transfer students to submit an ACT or SAT score.


Drake does not require the submission of an essay for admission. We review all applications, with or without an essay, with equal attention. 

然而, 如果我们认为需要补充信息, your admission counselor may contact to request the submission of an essay to supplement your application. In that case, you may choose any of the essay prompts provided in the 常见的应用澳门威尼斯人网站.


  1. 有些学生是有背景的, 身份, 感兴趣, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. 如果这听起来像你,那么请分享你的故事.
  2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
  3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. 是什么促使你这么想的?? 结果如何??
  4. Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. 这种感激是如何影响或激励你的?
  5. 讨论一项成就, 事件, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
  6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. 为什么它会吸引你? 当你想了解更多的时候,你会向什么或谁求助?
  7. 分享一篇你选择的任何主题的文章. 它可以是你已经写过的, 对不同提示作出反应的人, 或者是你自己设计的.